David Vizard's How to Super Tune and Modify Holley Carburetors is THE guide for getting the ultimate performance out of this classic carburetor. Holley has been producing the finest auto fuel systems for over a century. For 40 years, their carburetors were installed in every NASCAR Sprint Cup team car as well as every NHRA Pro-Stock champion. Vizard, a highly respected technical writer, makes getting the most of your Holley easy. It doesn't matter if you're using that puppy for street riding, strips, supercharging or racing. This guide explains the function and science of the Holley and will make its tech comprehensible and easy for everyone from the car enthusiast to the professional mechanic.
Content How to Super Tune and Modify Holley Carburetors is a full featured text covering the 4150 Series, the Double Pumper, Avenger, HP, Ultra and Dominator carbs. Included among the 15 thorough chapters are fundamentals like basic operation, exploring properties, calibration considerations and requirements. Each aspect is well covered. For instance, while Vizard talks about Boosters in the opening chapters, the subject gets a detailed discussion in Chapter 7, where the author covers everything from Venturi Action to Atomization Requirements. Under Fuel Systems, you will learn everything about the use of needle and seats, the float and bowl, mechanical fuel and electric pumps, as well as extensions and levels. Learn about tuning, jets, air correction, tools and any other part of the Holley you need to get the best process for your purposes. There are plenty of charts, diagrams and images featured to make following everything from simple mixture measurements to carb and manifold testing a snap. The book closes with an extensive source guide. Find out more about kits, metering, gaskets and any other carburetor and engine information you'd want to know. But it's going to be hard to find anything that's not covered in this book's 144 pages. The Author David Vizard (the Wizard) has written somewhere around 4,000 articles for magazines. He's contributed web pieces to the Internet's most popular car sites. He is not merely a tech author. He is a highly respected engine builder with books on building hp in your engine and maximizing cylinder heads and the chew big block. His new title bypasses the latest high tech fuel injection systems and looks at the classic carburetor still running in a lot of collectibles. Whatever your goal after getting behind the wheel ? going to work or crossing a finish line ? this book will make those performance goals a smoother ride!
Subject: How-to Super Tune & Modify Holley Carbs ISBN-10: 1934709654 | ISBN-13: 9781934709658 | CarTech Books SA216