ATSG Transmission Manuals
When it comes to automatic transmissions manuals, the Automatic Transmission Service Group (ATSG) is the name you need to know. After using their high-quality products, ATSG may just become your new favorite four-letter word.
With decades of experience, The Motor Bookstore (TMB) remains committed to delivering the best materials on the market to our customers (the do-it-yourself (DIY) crowd). ATSG Transmission Rebuild Manuals and ATSG Transmission Repair Manuals definitely live up to that standard. That's why TMB proudly carries the ATSG line of both print and digital products. The bottom line is, we love these ATSG resources and our customers do too!
General aftermarket repair manuals, such as Haynes, Chilton and Clymer are certainly useful tools for some maintenance and repair tasks, but they do NOT contain the level of detail found in these ATSG guides. It's not even close. The ATSG Transmission Repair Manuals are focused strictly on a single transmission or transmission family. Don't worry about finding generic content in them. You won't. These ATSG Transmission Rebuild Manuals are wonderfully specific.
In addition to all of the fine text instructions and descriptions, they're filled with a huge number of visual aids, such as exploded-view diagrams, illustrations, cut-away views, tables, troubleshooting charts and more. This layout ensures unrivaled clarity with respect to these automatic trannies. While the general aftermarket manual guys are busy "shifting gears" away from gearboxes to start talking about brakes, suspension and other areas of the vehicle, ATSG stays resolute and actually goes on to take a deeper dive into these "slush boxes".
Another way you can source transmission rebuild and repair information is by utilizing an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) reproduction manual. They're outstanding resources, but, once again, they frequently cover the entire vehicle. These factory-written manuals can quite literally be thousands of pages and comprise multiple volumes. If all you want/need is the transmission information, why not just buy the guide which leaves out all of what you DON'T need and concentrates intensively on what you do? It's certainly a more cost-effective solution...and your book shelves may thank you too!
See for Yourself
Why not take a look at some of the write-ups we've done for a few of these fine ATSG products? With these links below, you'll be able to see some of the individual product information, which will serve to introduce you to the look and layout of their terrific resources. Go ahead!
About ATSG Transmission Rebuild Manuals
Recently, the largest aftermarket automatic transmission remanufacturer, ETE REMAN, acquired the ATSG company. That's fantastic news, as it's an excellent match. On the ATSG side, this arrangement adds extraordinary resources, providing them greater access to parts and equipment, as well as an increased research and development budget. That means these already exceptional ATSG products are becoming even better! It's one thing to be a pioneer in an industry. It's another to remain an industry leader decades after initiating the charge. Fortunately, that's just what ATSG has done.
Why Buy an ATSG Transmission Rebuild Manual
Transmissions are components which are made up of a vast number of parts of all shapes and sizes. We imagine some vehicle owners can only picture these parts as some kind of fancy, magical box. They're not, but they ARE quite complex pieces of machinery to the casual (and even not-so-casual observer). Much like engines, it is critical to not only assemble them in the correct sequence, but within extremely specific tolerances. To do these jobs properly, you'll need to have the right information. That's where ATSG Transmission Rebuild Manuals save the day! The technical support ATSG provides in this field is second to none. They're the foremost authorities on technical service guides for your automatic transmission. With their products, you'll find the comprehensive overhaul procedures you need. ATSG Transmission Repair manuals are the ideal tools for troubleshooting, as well as your "go to" source for efficient and accurate disassembly and assembly instructions. They're used by the professionals as well as countless DIY gear heads.
Loaded with information such as torque specifications, general maintenance, diagnostic charts, diagnostic codes, interchangeability options, check ball locations, road test procedures, line pressure checks, repair procedures and much, much more, these professionally written ATSG Transmission Repair Manuals deliver the knowledge you'll need.
Customers refer to these ATSG guides as "must haves", especially due to their extensive details with respect to such items as serial numbers and identifying marks. Taking ambiguity out of the picture, purchasers are able to save time and money by identifying the correct parts so the jobs can be done right the first time. ATSG is in the information business...and they take their business seriously.
Sample Page: Below:Allison 1000 / 2000 Transmission Rebuild Repair Manual: C & K Series Trucks, Jeep, Hummer Sample Page 48 - Transmission Disassembly