The Bosch Fuel Injection and Engine Management is a must have book for the serious automotive enthusiast or professional.
Fuel injection theory is as important to your car's performance as are the wheels and suspension system. Ironically, most drivers know nothing about it.
The majority of vehicles utilize one injector, or solenoid valve, per cylinder. When energized, injectors allow the release of fuel into valve ports. Fuel delivery is managed by the injectors which are cycled by a computer. The longer injectors are open, the more fuel injected. With engine load and RMP increased, injector open times increase with airflow.
That's the explanation of fuel injection theory in a nutshell. For the full background, you're going to need the Bosch Fuel Injection and Engine Management manual. This is the only book you're going to find that not only fully explains the theory, but breaks down the most influential technologies behind fuel injection and engine management systems, Bosch.
Gathering information from engineers, techs and trainers from major players like Bosch, Porsche, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and other prominent auto makers, this book provides a comprehensive review of the basics of air-fuel mixtures, and how they affect your car's electronic controls and performance. This will be a great read for anyone that wants to:
- Have a reference for DIY projects involving fuel injection in general and Bosch systems in specific.
- Identify types of Bosch fuel injection and engine management systems.
- Realize how both fuel delivery and ignition improves driveability.
- Conduct routine service to their systems with simple tools.
- Diagnose issues through detailed troubleshooting charts.
Whether enthusiast or pro, you want a copy of this Bosch Fuel Injection and Engine Management book to get the details on these systems:
- Motronic
- L-Jetronic
- LH-Jetronic
- LH-Motronic
- D-Jetronic
- K-Jetronic
- KE-Jetronic
- KE-Motronic
Don't let the complexity of fuel injection theory prevent you from mastering a technology that helps make your car unique and powerful. Grab a copy of Bosch Fuel Injection and Engine Management today and get expert advice and troubleshooting tips for managing these delicate systems.
Subject: Bosch Fuel Injection and Engine Management DIY How-to Book by Charles O. Probst, SAE ISBN-10: 0837603005 | ISBN-13: 9780837603001 | Bentley Publishers GFIB