This how-to manual covers Chrysler's A-727 aluminum Torqueflite transmission, from a stock rebuild to an all-out racing tranny. It includes development, operation, repair and modification. You'll learn everything you need to know about 727 transmission operation, and you'll get valuable tips on Torqueflite 727 rebuild and 727 transmission repair. With this 234-page book by Carl H. Munroe published by HP Books, you'll have at your fingertips all the information you'll need to tackle the task of maintenance and repair. This could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars by keeping your car out of the mechanic's shop, where labor costs can escalate in a hurry. Place an order with The Motor Bookstore and get the A-727 Transmission Handbook with free shipping. Your order usually ships within one business day.
Whether you are racing or restoring, you'll find the Torqueflite A-727 Transmission Handbook a master reference for rebuilding, modifying and racing your Torqueflite transmission.
Subject: Chrysler Torqueflite A-727 transmission rebuild, repair. ISBN-10: 1557883998 | ISBN-13: 9781557883995

- History and Identification.
- Theory of Operation.
- In-Car Maintenance and Repairs.
- Overhaul Procedures.
- Reducing Rotating Weight and Friction.
- Street and Strip Modifications.
- Race Modifications.
- Troubleshooting... etc.
Whether you are racing or restoring, you'll find the Torqueflite A-727 Transmission Handbook a master reference for rebuilding, modifying and racing your Torqueflite transmission.
Subject: Chrysler Torqueflite A-727 transmission rebuild, repair. ISBN-10: 1557883998 | ISBN-13: 9781557883995
- Introduction: A Word About Safety
- A-727 History, Development and Identification
- How the A-727 Torqueflite Works
- General Transmission Service
- In-Car Repairs, Maintenance, and Adjustments
- Specialty Tools for the A-727 Torqueflite
- Transmission Removal and Core Disassembly
- Disassembly of Unit Assemblies and Inspection
- Overhaul and Assembly of Unit Assemblies
- Final Assembly and Adjustment
- Torque Converter Design and Operation
- The Performance A-727 Torqueflite
- The Drag Racing A-727 Torqueflite
- Reducing Rotating Weight and Friction
- Installation and Operation
- Troubleshooting and Testing
- A-727 Torqueflite Specifications